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Público ficou preso em festival no Panamá devido ao coronavírus!

Público ficou preso em festival no Panamá devido ao coronavírus!


Como a gente vem falando há pelo menos duas semanas aqui na Emusic4All e em todo o mundo, raves, festivais e eventos dos mais diversos estão sendo cancelados e/ou adiados devido à pandemia de COVID-19.

No Panamá, acontecia o Tribal Gathering Festival, que foi fechado pelo governo local desde o dia 13 de março, deixando o público de 300 pessoas presas na Playa Chiquita, um local paradisíaco onde acontecia o evento.

A polícia cercou desde então o festival, porém, de acordo com a produtora do evento Luu Carretero Sierra, o governo não deu nenhum suporte e os habitantes do local que foram voluntários ajudando na segurança e negociações com o Ministério da Saúde e exército pois, a Cruz Vermelha, que havia sido contratada pelo festival, deixou o local e a todos preocupados com os suprimentos médicos.

“O governo do Panamá não está dando nenhuma assistência. Eles só nos deixaram aqui”, afirmou Sierra, contando ainda que os locais doaram inclusive comida. Não havia casos de Covid-19 registrados entre os participantes do festival.

No post, de uma semana atrás, a produção avisou sobre a quarentena imposta pelas autoridades locais explicando que foi permitido apenas a quem havia entrado no Panamá há pelo menos 14 dias saísse do local, devendo o restante permanecer em quarentena na praia até atingirem o período de 14 dias.


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TO ALL ATTENDEES AND FOLLOWERS OF TRIBAL GATHERING: Update!!!!⭐️⭐️⭐️ The government and health officials have now decided to go back to the original mandate of allowing all nationals who have entered Panama over 14 days ago to exit the location. Those who have not must remain here in quarantine on site until they reach the 14 day period which could mean people actually staying here longer than the 23rd. In the wake of the President of Panama declaring a national emergency due to COVID-19/novel coronavirus, Panama’s Minister of Health has taken the extraordinary step of ordering all Tribal Gathering guests currently on site to remain in place until March 23. However, this was NOT in response to a positive COVID-19 test. There have been ZERO cases of COVID-19 confirmed on site, nor are any suspected at this time. Nevertheless, we are complying with all orders and recommendations of the Minister of Health, as the health and safety of our guests and crew remains our top priority. We also continue to work with the embassies of our guests from outside Panama to secure their assistance and support. Please contact the embassy of your family member’s home country for further information. @usembpan @who @bbcnews @vice @viceenespanol @un_ocha @who send help! @cnn @cnnee @nytimes @forbes @nationalpost @cbsnews

Uma publicação compartilhada por Tribal Gathering (@tribalgatheringpanama) em

O Panamá está em estado de emergência nacional devido ao surto de COVID-19 mas, a boa notícia é que no último final de semana chegou ao fim a quarentena no Tribal Gathering Festival, com todo o público tendo sido retirado em segurança do local, permanecendo apenas os membros da equipe, em um grupo de cerca de 50 pessoas que, durante as duas próximas semanas terminará de desmontar o festival.


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Tribal Gathering Update 🙂 We arhappy to report that we have now got all the public safely off site! Many were able to secure flights before the airport closure that will go into effect tomorrow. Embassies finally started to respond and yesterday we were able to get a large group of roughly 45 britts off site with them. Albeit still chaotic at times with various authorities either not showing up in time or making triple checks on the buses of people , re checking passports and flights when information was already provided causing extra delays. We could all instantly feel the energy change as we successfully saw the 6 buses drive away from site yesterday with a total of 103 people . Finally chance for the crew to breath a big sigh of relief that there was no more bureaucratic issues. Today the German embassy came to get its last group off site of 35 people and we were able to move the remaining public off with our bus for a total of around 63 more safe. Remains here now is our amazing crew members , a group of close to 50 of us that will stay for the following 2 weeks and finish the take down of the festival. I am so so proud of all my crew who stuck by my side and were on the front lines helping all the public, to the chefs for continuing to feed us healthy food and the de-rig crew who stayed on working in the background taking the festival site down and cleaning the site. <3 Has been an incredibly challenging week but we are all in good spirits here and have become so much stronger as people and as a team here together for what we have been through . The sense of comradery here is being felt by us all, the consensus is we are all happy to be here together waiting out the storm thats going on in the outside world and in our home countries. No isolation or social distancing we get to stay in our little community and support each other in returning the site to a more pristine state than we found it in. <3 Thanks to all for your supportive comments and we hope you all have made it home safe to your families. We will still be collecting donations to help with the efforts and those who have been stranded. Please donate if you can.

Uma publicação compartilhada por Tribal Gathering (@tribalgatheringpanama) em

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